Thursday, May 12, 2005

Twisted phrases

Spare the rod... go noodling
Sleep is...for every one else but me
Home is...where the bills are
A spoonful of sugar...goes great on Corn Flakes
Early to bed, early to
April showers bring...tornadoes
The road to shorter than we think
Does a bear...see Jill in the woods?
Two's company...three's erotica
He who hesitates...stays out of the bear trap
Speak softly...and no one will hear you
To err is repeat the err-stupid
Do as I say...NOW
Money doesn't grow on...the lazy limb of the tree
Two wrongs...can be quite fun
A bird in the hand...will crap in it
The greatest gift... is one's self
Life, liberty,...and the pursuit of happiness.
This one's a classic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL, loved these.