Thursday, May 25, 2006

The pulse of romance

The ebb and flow of romance and its subgenres is truly dizzying.

Quicker than you can say "Bridget Jones," Chick Lit has begun its descent. I'm not a big fan of this anyway, quite truthfully. But I did find some of it entertaining. Then there are the terms such as Lad Lit and Hen Lit. Lad Lit? Bleh. No thanks. Hen Lit? I don't like the term. But I like the thought. Because life, as we know it on earth, doesn't really stop until our hearts do. And we are living LONGER and LONGER people. And yes. I'll go there. Older people have sex. They live. They love. And by GOD! They deserve a story, too. *off soapbox*
Then I've heard (and I'm in NO way some type of expert...I simply keep the ears and eyes open) that Paranormals and Inspirational are the hot tickets. And Erotic Romance is popping up everywhere. *grins* Yeah. Popping. You heard me.
New presses and imprints seemingly appear on a daily basis. Because this type of romance is HOT right now.
I actually received an email from a respected epublisher (of the erotic kind) informing me that they were open to submissions. *blinking* Something for me to look into.

We've all heard of the death of historicals. And I visit quite a few blogs where the wonderful writers write these. And I simply have to say...don't count ANYTHING out. There IS a market for historicals. But it better be damn good. And you may want to add another subgenre in there. Operative word-"may."
Harlequin rearranges its imprints almost on a monthly basis. I assume according to sales. And they've shut down quite a few imprints and started up others. They also have a lot more competition.
Many writers are out there selling themselves. Whether they epublish or traditional publish. They are hustling their asses to make a name for themselves. And it shows. There is talk of midlist authors and all that nonsense. And I have to're only as good as how much you publicize yourself and your work. It's a business. A business you love, but nonetheless.
You are your best product. That book you finished is your best product.
Whether the pulse of romance is on Erotic or Inspirational. You need to find your place and run with it.


Lyvvie said...

You segued from geriatric sex to "popping" and all I can think now is how do folks with hip replacemnts do it? Trust me, not an image one wants before lunch.

Eva Gale said...

I gave my Mom some 'Next' and read one before I passed it on. Interesting, but not my boat.

As for all of the genres. I have been all over the net these past few days. I have learned alot. The main thing I learned is to keep my head down and just write. Because there is just too much shit out there to actually pay attention to what everyone has to say about books/writing. Now if all these people with all these opinions would STFU and write their own books the way they think we 'should' everyone would be happy.

Write/submit/write/submit. That's all I'm sticking to.

Fess on the e-pub. C'mon. You're SUCH a tease.

Anonymous said...

Even though I can't totally relate to the 20/30 year old fashionista types in chick lit, I actually enjoy reading it. Or at least some of it. I love love LOVE Shanna Swendson's Enchanted Inc. and Once Upon Stilettos. Though those are both also paranormal/urban fantasy. :)