Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Hit and miss

Sorry so sporadic with the posting. I've one hell of a headache for the past two days. And nausea all day yesterday. I wake up feeling like crap. The nausea will fade. But the headache endures.
Damn neurological problems. *snicker*

Went roller skating this evening. Only about a dozen people there. The chickens had a good time. Taped and watched the finale of House. What can I say? It's Hugh Laurie. Mmmmm
Still waiting for my prego kitty to pop. She's shooting me hateful looks as I type this. And I'm just tired. Flat tired.

Don't you ever just get weary? And for moms...aren't there times when you simply feel drained and overexerted? I'm there. But it's not just the chickens. They've been pretty good. It's life in general. I'm. Wore. Out.
And since I'm bitching...I have a pinched nerve in my neck. It makes my right arm fall asleep. Is this a chiropractic issue? Or can I do something at home that helps?
Ah, well.
I suppose I'll work on this at a later date. I need to go to bed. Rest my head. And maybe the rest of me as well.


Anonymous said...

I've one hell of a headache for the past two days

TWINS! Only mine is The Sinus Headache From Hell. I don't see how you managed to cope with roller skating. *shudder*

Is this a chiropractic issue?

Hmm. It could be. Have you tried any kind of stretching? *hugs*

Rene said...

And for moms...aren't there times when you simply feel drained and overexerted?

Every damned day of my life. I totally feel for you, I've been getting headaches a lot lately. I think it is hormonal.