Thursday, April 27, 2006

A day in the life

Busy today. Busy again tomorrow. May not have time to blog. So here I am.
Have to FEED the NEED, folks. *grins*

Had my interview today. I'm not saying where. Heaven forbid. But I will say it's part-time and deals with books. Ahhhhhhhh bliss. It would utterly make my day to get this job.
Then I picked up chickens. Made dinner. Then I called Mom. Because my grandma is flying in tonight. She's needing someone with her all the time, so Mom volunteered to take care of her. Mom is a tad bit stressed.
Then we went to the skating rink because the kids had a PTO event going on. And they LOVED it. It was closed to everyone but them. Let the good times roll!

And tomorrow will be busier than nine kinds of hell. And my naughty alter ego, C'ann, is supposed to be chatting tomorrow about our Spring Flings book. *sigh* Don't you wish you could be two places at once?
So I'll be hustling and bustling. Inhaling the Diet Pepsi.
Hope everyone has a great Friday--and an excellent weekend!


Rene said...

Wow, you are busy. Good luck on the job, I hope you get it.

Anonymous said...

Have a great weekend! And I've got my fingers crossed on the job!

Anonymous said...

You sound like me. . . Lately I'm so hit or miss at everything. Have a great weekend and good luck on the job.