Wednesday, July 20, 2005

If I ignore it, will it go away?

I'm talking about my email. Dang it. I swear it procreates.
Every day there are more and more of them. I know I'm a catalyst. I'm on four different loops. But good grief! There are days I simply don't want to sift and wade. And this week would be a good example of that.

I usually LOVE to go through my email. But now, I simply don't have the want right now. SIGH
Maybe I'll put it off until tomorrow.
Do y'all enjoy your emails? Or are they a necessary evil? I'm about half and half right now.


Anonymous said...

I'm not on a lot of lists, and the ones I am on I have on yahoo where I can check them on the internet or ignore them completely (and mostly I ignore them completely). That means my email is just my friends, so I enjoy it.

Regina Avalos said...

I have one email for lists, and one person email, which is the one listed on my blog. My list email is more of a delete delete delete thing, but those I get at my personal email I love.

Anonymous said...

use one email address for lists and "stuff". And one email address for things you'll really want to read. Then ignore the "stuff" email address anytime you're overwhelmed...

Unknown said...

I'm very similar to everyone else. I have multi email addresses. My list email address is the one that tends to get over run though. Good luck!

Lyvvie said...

Most of mine is spam. I'm forever being told about the new hot housewife who only lives a few miles away from me and wants to meet me. I'm just not that way inclined, ya know.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy my email for the most part. I have all my lists sorted and filtered, so they go where I know what they are if I don't feel like reading them right then. By and large, the rest of my mail is spam. *rolling eyes*

Anonymous said...

I have multi email addresses, but since I am organizationally challenged, they all end up intermixing. Which is why I have somewhere in the neighborhood of 10,000 unread items in my inboxes. List stuff, spam, and probably a few from friends I accidentally missed.