Friday, December 31, 2004

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year everyone! Hope your New Year is safe, prosperous, and undeniably enjoyable. We're going over to a friends' house and bringing in the New Year. Four adults and seven children. OH MY! And all the kids are under 11 LMAO!
I told the youngsters they could stay up until midnight, IF THEY COULD.
It's exactly this time of year I go through reflections. What have I done last year? What am I doing next year?
I'm blessed this year with my family's health and well-being. I'm blessed to be in such wonderful company as my Goblin Sisters. I have wonderful friends and a career which I LOVE. I'm going to be working on my health and career this next year. The whole family will be eating better, and I want to take my career to the next level. It's shaping up to be a great YEAR! I hope yours is wonderful, too!!!

1 comment:

Beth said...

It will be our year. I am sure of it. We will MAKE it happen. :)

I am trying not to make resolutions this year. Writing my book, well, that's enough. Exercise. Ugh. (g)