Saturday, July 08, 2006

My little girl's growing up

I realize that Oldest Chicken will be thirteen in a few months. But there are times when this realization just slaps me in the face.

For some unknown reason, she's developed this fixation with motorcycles. Yeah, I don't have enough to stress over. She wants a death machine to ride around on. And don't get me wrong. I LOVE to ride on motorcycles. But my thirteen year-old? Not so much.
We saw a Kermit green one the other day when we stopped to get some gas. OC became all excited. THIS is how the conversation went:
OC: Look at that bike! I love those colors.
ME: Here. Let me just slide that bad boy in the back of the van, and we can take it home.
OC: Okay.
ME: And then feel free to stop by and see me at the Police Station while they charge me with theft.
OC: Okay. And I'll be riding my new motorcycle.

See what I have to deal with?
We won't even get into the fact my Middle Chicken wants a VW Bug. I could take my hands and squish one of these like an aluminum can. But she wants one so she can put a coordinating flower in the car to match her outfits. Yeah. See my eye twitching?

And top it ALL off...OC did something that I didn't see coming. Didn't have a clue.
*sigh* She picked up a teen magazine.
I all of a sudden flashed back to my days of doing that and felt incredibly old. Before you know it the heifer will be picking out husbands and honeymoons. I'm not ready for that! Oh geez. *rubbing throbbing temple*

I'm off to write on some of my stories. You know, the ones where even though the characters aren't biddable, I can look at them and say..."I typed it. Therefore it is. Deal." It's nice to have some semblance of control.


Anonymous said...

All in all, I'm very thankful I don't have kids. :)

I'm off to write on some of my stories. You know, the ones where even though the characters aren't biddable, I can look at them and say..."I typed it. Therefore it is. Deal." It's nice to have some semblance of control.

*pat, pat* You just keep thinking that way, sweetie. ;)

Crystal* said...

Tori: Let me have my delusions. *grin* It's the only thing that's going to get me through this day.

Silma said...

Hahaha! You think that's bad? My older goddaughter turned 14 two months ago. This weekend she's staying with me, helping me move into my new house. So today her cellphone rings. She was in the bathroom, so I picked it up, and I hear this young man's voice on the other end. I go, "Yeah?" He asked to talk to her. When I tell her who's on the phone, she goes, "Oh! That's the boy I met this summer at the beach." And she grabbed the cellphone and off she went chatting and giggling with him. She's already getting calls from boys?! Where the hell did I put that baseball bat?

B said...

I'm with ya honey, goes too damn fast!!
