Monday, March 23, 2009

From dark to light

It was truly a craptastic kind of morning. The kind where everyone rubbed me the wrong way, and I didn't even want to be in my own skin. The kind where I honestly thought I ought to remove all sharp objects from anywhere near my reach.
But it's the afternoon now. Things are looking up. Went and tanned which I love. It's not so hectic now. And I'm waiting for an Oklahoma storm to roll right in. The girls are back in school.
And no one, I mean NO ONE, shall mention the evil summer break right around the corner.
After work I gotta run by the grocery store and pick up some stuff. Then home to exercise, torture the chickens, and see what I can find for dinner.
Yes. It's Monday.
But I think we're gonna make it.

My find of the day: Haunted Heart The Life and Times of Stephen King by Lisa Rogak.

Can't freaking wait.

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