Sunday, September 17, 2006

Act your age

And to this I reply...Why?

Are there guidelines for this?
At eighteen, you must assume adult duties.
At twenty-five, you must have a job that is both responsible and profitable.
At thirty-five, you must have two children and a good retirement plan.
At forty-five, you must slip into the role of grandparent.
At fifty-five, you can join the AARP and become "retired."
At sixty-five, you should take up knitting golf.
And so on and so forth.

Screw. That.

My best friend took the kids a couple of weekends ago to play laser tag. Yeah. Laser tag. I went shopping with another friend.
The doctor thinks that my BF has fractured her foot in two spots playing said Laser tag. And when everyone asks what happened, and she tells them, they laugh aloud. Because, you see, my BF is almost forty-two. And here she was being 007 and dodging behind barrels and such.
She wouldn't go back and change a thing. She'll take the broken bones and the great memories.

We are constantly telling our children to "grow up!"
So what the hell does that mean? That's rather a vague instruction.

Right now, I'm watching bullriding. A bunch of men riding dangerous mammals with horns. Grinning like fools. Tearing it up. No guarantee of a monetary reward. Most likely bruised and busted all to hell.

So to all those who say "act your age"...I say...
Bite me.


Anonymous said...

Hey, I tell ya, if I didn't have all these bloody health problems, I'd so be there with your friend playing laser tag! (Well, okay, probably not because I have no coordination, but that's beside the point. *g*)

Anonymous said...

Kudos to your friend! I say, it doesn't matter what age you are, if you can live your life to the fullest!

Lyric James said...

Tell your BF sorry about her toe...but WTG on that laser tag. I bet she had fun!!

Rene said... mother has complained about me acting 40 since I was 13. Now that I'm nearing 40, well, at least I act my age. My mom, on the other hand, is great at acting younger. She loves doing stuff with the grandkids, thank goodness. I can't wait to join AARP and get my senior discount at Denny's.