Saturday, January 27, 2007

I've been altered

In a good way.

You know that thing that I was going to do? I did it.

I pierced my belly button. And I absolutely love it.

Keep in mind...I'm no eighteen year-old, flat-stomached, tan goddess. (More's the pity.) But I've wanted this for quite awhile.

I drove up to OKC (after consulting my trusty mapquest) and found the shop. Can I just say that I was nervous as hell? Excited. But oh my God, my stomach was jumping. Ed, my piercer, checked out my navel and told me which hook we'd be using. Then he suggested that we start with silver balls on the end. But I was drawn to the pretty shinies in the display case. So instead of silver, I have red gems on both ends. Love. It.

He sterilized the jewelry. I twiddled my thumbs for the five minutes and told myself not to be such a chicken butt. I've birthed three children. Surely this wouldn't be that bad. Um...surely.

Ed took me to the sterilization room and opened up the case to take my jewelry out. Then we went to THE ROOM. Yes, my friends. The one where you go in non-pierced and come out punctured.

I lifted my shirt while he marked some spots that he would possibly pierce. We talk. And let me tell you something, Ed is something of a therapist to go along with a piercer. He was very calm. Soothing. He explained that I would lie back and regulate my breathing. Then I would inhale slowly, when I was READY, and exhale. The piercing would be in by the end of the exhale.
I grilled him upfront about the pain factor. I have a fairly high threshold. (Thank God) But I asked if people did okay with it. Then I asked if the pain was relative. He shot me a look of surprise and said I hit the nail on the head. It's how you take the pain that affects you. (I absorbed this whole conversation. *nodding*)

So. I'm swabbed, sterilized, and on the slab. (Sounds kinky, huh?) He explainedthat he will step over on my right side and just to relax. Breathe. Let all the negative go out with the exhale.
I inhaled. I felt the sharp point of the hook pressing against the top of my belly button. Then as I exhaled, he slid it through the skin and to the other side.
I'm not going to even be able to describe how it felt. It didn't tickle. Don't get me wrong. But I actually felt a release.
And after it was done, I lay there for a minute in some sort of bliss.
For one, I had actually done it. Something I had wanted for four or five years. And for another, it didn't hurt. Not really. And I was able to let some stuff go that I had been carrying for awhile.
I fairly DANCED out to my vehicle. I felt incredible. It was rather empowering. I think that sums it up nicely.

My kids are dealing with it. Shock from oldest chicken, baby chicken, and boy child. Shock and jealousy from middle chicken. (She's SO wanting it done. I'm thinking in about six more years. *snort*) But I did it for me. And I loved every damn minute of it.


Monday, January 22, 2007

Fairy Dust

All is well in the world.

We've moved into the new house. I love it. The kids love it. Yay!!! Good news.
Actually going to get the phone hooked up Wednesday so I can have Internet. Thank. God. This sporadic stuff is killing me.

And the fairy dust?

My mother brought me six shirts after we had the fire. They were, more or less, in her taste. And one of them is rather, um, different.
It's brown with yellow and orange flowers all over it. And then on top of's streaked with green, glittery flowers. Made with glitter. Think Kermit green, and you'll get the gist. She took it out of the bag, and we both looked at it.
It's striking. I'll give it that. And she pretty much dared me to wear it. So I am. Today.
But the problem being...I'm leaving little green glitteries everywhere.
I've already sent out an email to coworkers apologizing for the future green glitter they will have all over their ass/legs/hands/etc.
And one coworker emailed me and said..."It's looks like we've been visited by fairies. It's fairy dust!"
I laughed my ass off.
She's right.
Tinkerbell has nothing on me. *wink*

I turn thirty-five in little less than a month, and I have plans. Probably something a 35 year-old woman who has had three kids shouldn't do...but oh. damn. well.
I'm doing it.
Let you know after the fact.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A lesson learned

(First. Apologies to all blog readers. I posted three times today. You're reading them backwards. Or I posted them backwards. I'm crunched for time and not playing "musical posts." Fair warning.)

I am a self-contained person. I am a difficult person to get to know. I'm not open. I don't want to have a slumber party and discuss my innermost secrets.
So when I trust an individual with little pieces of me...they need to take care of those pieces. And when someone neglects those pieces, I begin to have issues.
(Who me? Issues? *snickering* Honey, I've got the whole subscription.)

There is nothing worse than opening up to someone and having all that thrown back in your face because the receiver is
1. Not capable
2. A certified jackass
3. Inconsiderate and needs to be lobotomized

Or giving more of those little pieces because things are going swimmingly. Only to have the emotional door slammed in your face.
I'm dealing with it. But I'm struggling with how much to share and how much to bottle back up in the deepest part of myself.
Considering the force of the door slamming, I'm about to pack my luggage and put a "Nobody's Home" sign on the door.

Some people are meant to be strong. Some people are strong in certain situations. And when I decided to be vulnerable, I was shown just how unfavorable that would be for me. So I'm sliding back on the Supergirl outfit (killer boots) and rocking on.
Bullets bounce off me.

The Portrait

If you've stuck with me, you've heard my writer's lament.
Why, oh why, don't other subgenres of romance sell as good as erotica? *wriggling eyebrows*
Yeah. I know why. I still like to ask.

Here's a review from The Romance Studio. And it rocks. Oh yes, indeedy. It's for The Portrait. My Paranormal Romance.
And without further ado:

The Portrait is a captivating story from the start. Sophie is a refreshing heroine with great magnetism and weaves wonderful chemistry when she gets around Dylan while making his whole live come tantalizingly alive. Now she finds her whole life changed where she can finally be herself, I could feel her need to finally have her freedom without others telling her how to lead her life. Crystal Inman cleverly spins a magnificent read where this reader could visualize the whole scenery with the portrait and everything that personifies the characters. She creates an intriguing suspenseful read that ignites while simmering a heated romance between Sophie and Dylan that truly delights. Strong characters, intense writing and a winning couple make this an incredible read.
Overall rating: FIVE HEARTS!!! (Yeah. The caps are mine. They have cute little hearts on the page.)
Sensuality rating: Mildly sensual
Reviewer: Linda L.
January 16, 2007

I sent Linda a nice "thank you" with a promise that if she ever needed an organ to look me up.
You know...I never get sick of seeing that.

Forgive me, oh people in warmer climates...'s been one week since my last blog post. *grins*

Oklahoma is having HORRIFIC weather. And guess what, my lovelies? We're supposed to get another HUGE storm this weekend. *eye twitch*
My work has been closed. Or the hours changed to try and fit everybody coming in from up to thirty minutes away.
My vow NOT to commit homicide has never seemed so aloft a wish right now. Believe me.'s a triple-header. This post and two more. One good rather cathartic.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Rant on

Yes. I suppose I was overdue.

What is wrong with authors who put a dedication in a book that blatantly offends readers? Seriously. I'd love to know.

I rented/borrowed the last book, I think it was Forever and Always, by Jude Deveraux, in the Forever series.
And there in the front...dedicated for all to said (and I'm paraphrasing): You should have trusted me more.
This, in reference to the way she apparently has offed some Montgomerys.

Excuse me?

I'm supposed to take that sentence and be happy with it? Should have trusted you more? Are you freakin' kidding me?

I have expectations when I read a book. And when an author, ANY author, doesn't meet said expectations...he/she immediately goes on a mental list of authors I'll likely not visit again.

And what do authors expect? Let's go over this one, shall we?
Authors, once again...ANY author, hangs their ass out every time they publish a book. Any book. You have exposed yourself to the world at large. Or, at least, you're readership. And guess what? You're not going to hit a homerun every time. And maybe you should have taken that into consideration when you decide to pretty much say "screw you" to your loyal readers.

Mrs. Giggles wrote that LKH put a bastardized version of Latin in the dedication of Micah that pretty much said...If you don't like it, kiss my ass.
Not. Bloodly. Likely.
Or better first.

What are these authors thinking? That they are above criticism? That their collective words flow like wine to thirsty readers?

You submit to the become a public figure. EVERYONE will have an opinion. Like it. Lump it. But suck it up.

That whole Deveraux debacle quite pissed me off. And yes. I have a LONG memory.
Trust you? Hell. I did trust you. I picked up the damn book. And here's the rub-I didn't like it.
Hmm. The trust has been tampered with. Isn't that a pity?
Want to put another pithy dedication in a book?
I won't be seeing it.


It's supposed to be one cold SOB starting tomorrow morning and continuing through at least Sunday.
Rain turning to freezing rain tomorrow. Snow on Sunday.

Good news?
We've got a house. hehehe
Isn't that absolutely lovely? I'm very excited. Of course, with the ice storm and all that crap, I don't know when we'll be able to move in. Grrrrrrrrrrr
Hopefully early next week. Possibly Monday. Kids are out of school, and I don't have to work because of the holiday. Yay!

Another bit of good news...I received more information on the Romance Writer's Panel Discussion that will be held February 10th in Norman.
Mel Odom, Sharon Sala, Christine Rimmer, and I will be speaking. Ron Stahl will be moderating.
And then afterwards...the Coordinator for Reader's Services, Anne Harris, wants to take us out to lunch.
I am SO excited!!! I'll be sandwiched in-between bestselling authors and absorbing everything.

Of course, I'm nervous as hell. That probably goes without saying. But what an opportunity!
I've emailed Sharon a couple of times, but I've never met her in person. Lovely lady, though.

So there you go.
A new house to move into. A speaking engagement with bestselling authors. Oh...and have I mentioned that What He Wants is back to being Number One on the hottest titles this month at Torrid? *grins*
Good stuff.

And no more sporadic posting when I move into the new house. I'm still paying for my online service. Now all I need to do is hook up the computer.
Take care. Stay warm!!!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Crystal and The Dell

Yesterday, I had a good day.

I went to a friend's beauty shop and had my hair done. It's now colored and highlighted. There is this AWESOME gold strip that comes down and across my bangs. I feel rather like Rogue in X-Men. *grinning*

And while I was there...there just so happened that the ladies knew of a fellow that needed to sell his computer. A DELL that was only about two months old. And guess who bought it???
Yes!!! ME!
For about half price. AND it came with a printer.

It's so lovely when shit is balanced out with good stuff. Really, it is.

And speaking of the good stuff...I've already explained that I have a review and advertisement in the February 2007 Romantic Times. (I also have a subscription now...and I am DIGGING this magazine.)
Anyway...What He Wants is now number one (AGAIN!) on the Whiskey Creek Press Torrid Top Ten Bestsellers for the month.
And I know damn good and well that it's because of the advertisement/review in RT.
How exciting! And the book came out seven months ago. Wow. *blink*
Isn't that cool?

Let's see...
I hope to have the computer at least plugged in tomorrow so that I can work on my stories and such. And hopefully *fingers crossed*, we'll hear about another place to live today. But I refuse to say more than that in fear that something bad will happen.
Yeah. I have OCD, and I'm slightly superstitious. Sue me.

Thursday, January 04, 2007


Yep. That would be me.

Thought I might wait until I had some personal news of note. *tapping fingers on desk*
Still waiting on that one.


Professional news.

Kim was kind enough to send me the Romantic Times blurb for What He Wants. Thank you, Kim! I'll pop it on here in a day or two.
I am, of course, starting yet another book. A Paranormal/Action piece of work.
I was rather pissed off the other night and let my mind wander before I commited homicide. Lo and idea for a story was born. The premise had been floating about my brain for awhile. But I actually began to see more to it. Thank God. I thought my creative juices had all dried up. It's still stop and start in fits. But it IS there.

So far, I have three full-length novels due out this year and at least three short stories. Possibly four. That fourth is still up in the air. And I've contracted a Fantasy Romance, but I haven't been given a release date yet. The Fantasy Romance is the one I wrote in a month. And I'm rather proud of it.
Tori, it's the one I sent you. It's actually a two-book deal. But I don't see myself wiping out that second book in a month considering I'm way behind on Water Goddess as it went up in flames.

Priorities for January:
Find a place to live
Work on writing
Try not to kill anyone

Piece of cake.