Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Working for the weekend

I cannot damn wait. *grins*
Spending the entire weekend with a friend. Friday through Monday. We're going on a Poker Run Saturday which ought to be all kinds of fun. My God! Is there anything better than being on the back of a bike going 70 mph with the wind rushing at you?
Well, there are SOME things. lmaooooooooo
So my weekend is booked which rocks my socks. The girls are going camping until Sunday. Then the four of us will go back over to my friend's house and spend the night Sunday. Ought to be one hell of a good time.
Girls start school next week. Thank God.
Picking up a new cell phone Friday because my old one sucked ass. So that will be nice not to have to worry about having any issues with the new one.
It's a whole new world, people.

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