Friday, January 09, 2009


This was my fallback novel. The one I worked on while tapping through Earth Goddess and Wind Goddess. A rather steady stream of words centered around a story that can make me smile by rereading it.
With all other contracted works finished (Thank you, God!), then I can fully concentrate on this little gem.
I like it.
It's already around 51,000 words. I'm targeting 90,000. And for those that have read me for awhile, you know that for's a lengthy piece. And you're probably also aware that I must multi-write.
So there's this story...*grins*
And I'm considering targeting a Teen audience. Let me simply say this has NEVER crossed my mind before. EVER. But when this story idea came to me, I knew it wasn't Erotic Romance. That was certain. Now I simply have to feel it out and see where it fits.
You'll be the second to know.

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