Thursday, December 09, 2004

In search of the perfect gift

Well then. Decided to do some on-line window shopping before the big expedition tomorrow and saturday. The Internet is a lovely thing. Finding 1170 matches for one item is not. I think I'm in denial. It's like pulling the thread on the bottom of the sweater, and ending up with a big pile of cotton. NOT a good thing. I am going to seek out a pain reliever for my aching head and get back at it. A friend suggested gift cards. I'm just not well with that yet. Give me a couple of years. When the kids are all teenagers, I'm sure this will get easier. Or maybe I'm just kidding myself. Hell, it sounded good LMAO.


Michelle said...

If you can come up with something for a 9 year old who doesn't know what they want for Christmas let me know. I'm still scratching my head over it. Kids...what happened to the days when they wanted everything they saw. *sigh* I've been doing the same thing. Taking a break from working so maybe the pounding in my skull might find a tad bit of relief!

Crystal* said...


I've got Care Bears, Bratz, and Pokemon covered. It's my 11 year old daughter who is giving me fits. She just really doesn't care much. The only thing she's mentioned is one of those Video Now things. We'll see. Um...good luck. We are going to be needing it!

Michelle said...

Oh no! Not you too. It is one of the few things Meg's has mentioned. Of course, being the insane person I am, I asked her why she needed one of those when she has a laptop at her disposal. Have you seen that tiny little screen? Wally world has them for forty something dollars but the little video's are twenty bucks a pop. I just can't see it happening. I'd rather buy her four movies are something.

But I'm dealing with that "Oh, Mom, I'll Like whatever you get me." I even went so far as to drag her to target with me and let her go down the toy isle. NOW that is desperation in its worst form. (The toy isle has always been a last ditch effort.)

The one thing I've been eyeing is the "I-Quest" for 4th to 8th grade. You can actually download your textbook chapter questions and quiz yourself. I'm thinking of that next year for her.

*Sigh* I wish you the best of luck honey!
who has already raided "Old Navy" like a fiend!